Image by Jason Costanza
Introduction to OAuth on gRPC
Get started with gRPC authorization and OAuth/2 token handling
Image by Jason Costanza
Get started with gRPC authorization and OAuth/2 token handling
Main concepts and features of the Elixir programming language explained for Gophers.
Can you really tell in Go when a variable is == nil?
Short introduction to efficient lock-free and thread-safe value sharing with atomic.Value in Go.
CoLog acts as output for Go's standard library logger. It assigns levels based log entry prefix, reads values and accepts hooks for sending to externals systems.
Golang was explicitly engineered to streamline projects built by large groups of programmers with different skill levels, and there is no larger such group than the open source community.
Image by Kelvyn Skee
How to make you import paths future-prof while allowing you to switch from github or bitbucket to any other repository.
Introduction to gorename, the type-aware renaming tool for Go source
This is the blogging attempt of a middle-aged southern european IT guy working in northern europe.